Management of Risk
Course Overview

Management of Risk (M_o_R®) is part of the Global Best Practice suite of publications, which helps organizations and individuals manage their projects, programs and services consistently and effectively.
In organizations and business situations, almost every decision involves some degree of risk. Aimed at everyone who has ever made an important business decision, M_o_R is a robust yet flexible framework that allows accurate risk assessment.
- You must pass the Foundation exam before the Practitioner exam, either on the same day or separately. If you sit the Foundation examination only, and pass, you will receive a Foundation examination certificate.
- However, if you take both the Foundation and Practitioner exams on the same day and pass both you will receive a Practitioner examination certificate only.
By becoming M_o_R® certified, you will learn:
- Better management of unplanned threats and opportunities.
- Improved service delivery.
- Greater competitive advantage.
- Protection of organizational value and benefits improved communication within the organization.
- Closer internal focus on doing the right things properly more efficient use of resources.
- Reduced waste and fraud, and better value for money Provides a disciplined environment for productive decision making.
- Better management of contingent and maintenance activities.
- A means to monitor and react to early warning indicators as a way to protect organizational objectives.
Who Should Take This Course?
- Business Change Managers
- Programme and Project Managers
- Risk Managers
- Business and Project Support staff managers
- Operational staff and managers
M_o_R® Foundation (Exams Inclusive)
The purpose of the Foundation certification is to confirm that you have sufficient knowledge and understanding to contribute to the identification, assessment and control of risks across any organizational perspective. Your understanding will include the four elements of the M_o_R framework and how these support corporate governance.The Foundation certification is also a pre-requisite for the Practitioner certification.
M_o_R® Practitioner (Exams Inclusive)
The purpose of the Practitioner certification is to confirm whether you have sufficient understanding of how to apply and tailor M_o_R in a scenario situation. You should, with suitable direction, be able to start applying an M_o_R approach to any organizational perspective but may not be sufficiently skilled to do this appropriately for all situations. Your individual risk management expertise, complexity of the organizational context and the support provided for the use of M_o_R in your work environment will all be factors that impact what you can achieve.
M_o_R® is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited. The Swirl logo™ is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.